The Ashbrooke

We have had several fox sightings at the Ashbrooke site. While they seem to spend most of their time at the nearby park, they have been spotted sleeping on the site and even looking for lunchboxes!
The Town of Whitby has issued an advisory about fox sightings in the area.
There are several precautions people can take to minimize conflict with these animals. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry suggests that if you see a fox, keep your distance and the animal will most likely avoid you.
If you encounter an aggressive fox, never approach or touch the animal and do not turn your back or run. Back away from the animal while remaining calm, stand tall, wave your hands, and make lots of noise. It’s also a good idea to carry a flashlight at night. If a wild animal poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety, call 911.
Residents are encouraged to minimize food sources on their properties. Foxes are fond of fruits, vegetables, eggs, berries, seeds and dog and cat food. Enclose food compost in secure, animal-resistant containers and ensure bird feeders are out of reach of foxes and clean-up spilled bird seed on a regular basis.
Foxes are omnivores. In addition to fruits and vegetables they eat small animals such as mice and rabbits. To prevent conflict with pets keep cats and dogs on a leash when outdoors.